Populating: Insert data into Big Object

Big object
Salesforce Customize Big Object

Apex insert immediate

// Define the record
Customer_Interaction__b bo = new Customer_Interaction__b();
bo.Account__c = '001R000000302D3';
bo.Game_Platform__c = 'PC';
bo.Play_Date__c = DateTime.newInstance(2018, 2, 5);
bo.In_Game_Purchase__c = 'A12569';
bo.Level_Achieved__c = '45';
bo.Lives_This_Game__c = '3';
bo.Score_This_Game__c = '5500';
bo.Play_Duration__c = 25;
// Insert the record, which creates a new record
// Define the record
Customer_Interaction__b bo = new Customer_Interaction__b();
bo.Account__c = '001R000000302D3';
bo.Game_Platform__c = 'PC';
bo.Play_Date__c = DateTime.newInstance(2018, 2, 5);
bo.In_Game_Purchase__c = 'A12569';
bo.Level_Achieved__c = '45';
bo.Lives_This_Game__c = '3';
bo.Score_This_Game__c = '5500';
bo.Play_Duration__c = 25;
// Modify a field in the index
bo.Game_Platform__c = 'Mac';
// Insert the record, creating a new record because the primary key has changed 
// Define the record
Customer_Interaction__b bo = new Customer_Interaction__b();
bo.Account__c = '001R000000302D3';
bo.Game_Platform__c = 'PC';
bo.Play_Date__c = DateTime.newInstance(2018, 2, 5);
bo.In_Game_Purchase__c = 'A12569';
bo.Level_Achieved__c = '45';
bo.Lives_This_Game__c = '3';
bo.Score_This_Game__c = '5500';
bo.Play_Duration__c = 25;
// Modify a field not included in the index
bo.Level_Achieved__c = '1';
// Insert the record, which updates the second record because the index is the same 

csv File

Play Start,In-Game Purchase,Level Achieved,Lives Used,Platform,Play Stop,Score,Account